Comprehensive Blood Screens

Comprehensive Blood Screening – a low cost blood screening can provide important details about your health - sometimes before symptoms of a condition surface - giving you and your physician the power to plan ahead.

Package includes: lipid panel (HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides), Complete Blood Count, CMP (blood sugar, electrolytes, calcium, protein, liver enzymes, etc.) $50.  Pricing subject to change. 

Screens available for an additional cost: TSH (thyroid); T-4 Free; PSA (prostate); Hemoglobin A1c, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D25, Hepatitis C, Colon Rectal Cancer Screen kit. Available individually: Lipid panel only, total cholesterol only, Glucose only, CMP only (includes glucose), CBC only.

Appointments are required by calling Community  Health and Wellness 570-768-3200.

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