Our Rehabilitation Services can help you get back to the life and activities you enjoy. Our experts treat patients who are recovering from a variety of issues, including stroke, total joint replacements, fractures, trauma, amputations, general weakness and debilitation, and compromised cardiovascular and respiratory function.

Physical Therapy

In our clinics, our highly skilled and compassionate therapists focus on one-on-one care, developing individualized plans and interventions to address each patient's specific issues and concerns that are causing their pain or functional limitations. They provide education on your condition and work with you to develop and meet goals.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation 

Physical Therapists are experts in human movement. Our team of highly skilled, dedicated, and compassionate Physical Therapists will work with you on a specific treatment plan, developing individualized goals based on your functional needs and requirements. Whether it is a minor ache, sprain, or a major orthopedic surgery, we use a variety of evidence based and highly effective techniques, including but not limited to, therapeutic exercises, manual therapies, taping, modalities, and patient education to care for you. Let our team of specialists and experts collaborate with you to reach your optimal functional abilities with decreased pain. To schedule an appointment call, 1-877-541-1417.

Pre/Post-operative Rehabilitation             

Therapy prior (pre-operative rehabilitation) to orthopaedic surgical procedures has been found to improve outcomes after surgery (post-operative). Therapy may include exercises to strengthen weakened muscles and improve reduced joint range of motion, as well as prepare patients for what to expect with surgery and immediately following surgery. Post-operative therapy is a crucial part of the healing process. It is important to decrease pain and safely restore joint movements, strength, and flexibility early in the healing phase. 

Sports Physical Therapy             

Whether you are a recreational sports participant, a college, high school, or youth athlete, or a weekend warrior, the inability to participate in your favorite activity can be extremely frustrating.  Our team of highly trained clinicians have the knowledge and skills to help you get back in the game. In an effort to meet your specific goals, our team will work with you to develop a sport specific, individualized treatment program to care for a sprain/strains, muscle imbalance, post-surgical need, or injury prevention. We will collaborate with other healthcare team members including your physician and/or athletic trainer to deliver optimal results. We use nationally certified and proven outcome measures and physical performance tests to ensure safe return to play. Our goal is to get you back to your activities safely, competing at the highest level, as soon as possible. To schedule an appointment call, 1-877-541-1417.

Spinal Decompression Traction             

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical technique that involves the use of manual or mechanical forces to alleviate pressure on the spine or the nerves in the spine. This is proven to be an effective intervention that slowly and gradually stretches the spine to decrease neck, back, or extremity pain, as well as improve joint motion and function. Decompression therapy is most beneficial when used in conjunction with an appropriate, individualized exercise program. We currently offer spinal manual decompression techniques at all of our outpatient facilities. Mechanical traction if available at our Lewisburg, Plaza 15 clinic. To schedule an appointment call, 1-877-541-1417.

Vestibular, Dizziness, and Balance Rehabilitation 

Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based therapy personalized to manage dizziness, vertigo and imbalance. Inner ear problems are a common cause of these symptoms. WellSpan Evangelical Community Hospital is one of the only facilities in the region that uses specialized goggles to more accurately evaluate dizziness. This allows our vestibular certified physical therapist to design an individualized treatment plan that’s right for you.

Diagnoses commonly treated include:  

  • BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) 
  • Unilateral and bilateral vestibular hypofunction due to vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, medication toxicity, multiple sclerosis or acoustic neuroma 
  • Cerebellar strokes 
  • Meniere's disease 
  • Mal de Debarquement Syndrome 
  • Vestibular migraines 
  • Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)  
  • Other Balance Dysfunction  

Therapies offered include: 
Comprehensive vestibular rehabilitation provided by a certified vestibular physical therapist. The newest technologies are utilized to maximize outcomes including testing with specialized goggles and balance testing using computerized posturography. Each patient receives a personalized treatment program developed to manage dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance 

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Lymphedema is an accumulation of fluid which can occur in your legs, arms, face, or trunk. It is caused by a backup or disruption of the lymphatic circulatory system. This system is responsible for transporting over a gallon of lymph fluid a day. It is a one-way system which transports the fluid from our extremities back to the chest cavity where it dumps into our blood stream. The lymphatic system is composed of approximately 500-600 lymph nodes and a complex system of lymph vessels which transport the fluid. It is a very important part of our bodies ability to fight infection. This system is often damaged by cancer which has spread, and the treatment of various cancers including but not limited to breast, pelvic, genital, and head/neck cancers. There are also other disease processes which can result in a congestion of the lymphatic system. 

Therapists, who are certified in the treatment of lymphedema (CLTs) use a technique called complete decongestive therapy to manage lymphedema symptoms. This includes five components of care designed to empower the patient with tools to manage their lymphedema symptoms. Although lymphedema is considered a non-curable condition, if caught early it can be managed quite successfully with treatment provided by a CLT. 

Pelvic Health             

Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to a wide range of problems that occur when the muscles of the pelvic floor are not performing optimally. These problems can affect women at any age. There are often related impairments of the mid and low back, abdominal muscles, sacroiliac joints, coccyx, and hip joints with pelvic floor dysfunction.

Common conditions include:

  • Urinary frequency/urgency,
  • Urinary incontinence,
  • Difficulty emptying bladder,
  • Pelvic floor prolapse,
  • Diastasis recti,
  • Painful intercourse,
  • Pelvic pain (coccyx pain, bladder pain, abdominal pain, vaginal pain or pubic pain)

To make an appointment with our Level 1 certified pelvic health specialist, call our toll free number 1-877-541-1417

Cancer Rehabilitation             

Patients who are receiving care for a cancer diagnosis often experience side effects which can result in: weakness, swelling, neuropathy, decreased endurance, stiffness or loss of joint motion, issues with cognitive status, and problems swallowing. Cancer rehabilitation involves a team approach of therapist working together with your medical team to improve these deficits. Participating in a cancer rehabilitation program can help patients to recover quicker and achieve a higher level of function. Many national and international cancer care organizations recommend rehabilitation as an important component of the patient's overall cancer plan. 

Concussion Rehabilitation             

Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury caused by the impact to the head, neck or body resulting in a jarring of the brain within the skull. Concussions are a common result of sports injury, motor vehicle accidents or falls. Common symptoms include: headaches, difficulty with concentration, fatigue, dizziness, decreased balance, eye strain, mood changes, neck pain, and sensitivity to light and/or noise. Often these symptoms resolve in 7-10 days. WellSpan Evangelical's concussion specialists recommend post-concussion rehabilitation if your symptoms persist for more than 14 days.

Post-concussion rehabilitation can include physical, occupational, and/or speech therapy as determined by your needs. These therapists have specific training in post-concussion management. The therapist will perform a comprehensive evaluation using the latest technologies to design an individualized treatment program aimed at minimizing symptoms and assisting in the individual’s safe return to activity.

WellSpan Evangelical's Concussion Program’s goal is to bring awareness to athletes, parents, doctors, and schools. WellSpan Physical Rehabilitation in Lewisburg also offers baseline screening for athletes 12 and older using SCAT3 (a cognitive assessment tool) and our Neurocom system (objective tool used in balance assessment). WellSpan Evangelical keeps a record of baseline data and can provide this information to the physician. Baseline testing is recommended prior to an athlete starting any impact sport. This allows the individual and physician to make better decisions regarding returning to play. If a concussion occurs within 1 year of completing a baseline exam, the athlete may be retested free of charge to provide comparative data to the athlete's physician so that the physician can make a better determination regarding a safe return to play.  

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A team of highly skilled physical therapists will work with adults following a brain injury or illness related to the nervous system that leads to physical disability or impairments impacting daily activities. Treatment may include strengthening, mobility exercises, balance re-training, coordination, functional training, and family education. Treatment may also include assessment and training in the use of durable medical equipment such as ambulatory devices. 

Common Diagnoses include: may include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders, amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), stroke, or traumatic brain injury.

To schedule an appointment, call 1-877-541-1417.

Amputee Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Training 

Limb loss is a life changing event. Our team of highly skilled Physical Therapists will help maximize your functional abilities and mobility following this event. Treatments will initially focus on education and interventions to ensure you have the needed range of motion and strength in preparation for use of a prosthesis. Once obtained, your therapists, working in conjunction with your physician team and prosthetist, will help ensure proper fit and care of the prosthesis while continuing to help regain the range of motion, strength, endurance, and balance needed to be able to walk and function with the prosthesis. Together we will determine appropriate goals and interventions to reach your maximal potential. To schedule an appointment call, 1-877-541-1417.

Post COVID-19 Program             

The Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation program is referral-based and for patients with continued use of oxygen not previously used or at a higher level than previously used, decreased endurance, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest tightness with exertion, generalized weakness, difficulty with mobility and/or balance, brain fog, or weight loss.

For referral to the program talk with your primary care physician or call 570-522-4135 
for more information on how to be referred to the program.


Occupational Therapy  


A team of highly skilled therapists work with individuals following a brain injury or illness to maximize function and independence in daily living skills. Treatment can include activities to regain movement and improve arm and hand function, vision, cognition, community re-entry tasks as well as family training and education. Treatment may also include training in adaptive devices or durable medical equipment to support a person’s ability to be as independent as possible in their daily life.  

Some common diagnoses treated by neurorehabilitation:

  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

To schedule an appointment call, 1-877-541-1417.

Hand Therapy             

Hand therapy involves evaluating and treating injuries and conditions of the upper extremity (elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand). It uses a number of therapeutic interventions to help return a person to their highest level of function. Our occupational therapists are highly trained in injury prevention and management of chronic conditions, repetitive/strain injuries, fractures, and post-operative rehabilitation. Treatments may focus on improving range of motion, strength and coordination, pain management, scar management, and patient education on an individualized exercise program. Therapists are also skilled in custom splint fabrication, as indicated. 

Common diagnoses include: 

  • Arthritis 
  • CMC arthroplasty
  • Carpal tunnel 
  • Cubital tunnel
  • DeQuervain’s
  • Dupuytren’s
  • Fractures: elbow, wrist, hand, and fingers 
  • Ganglion cysts
  • Ligament injuries
  • Mallet finger
  • Medial/Lateral epicondylitis 
  • Tendinitis 
  • Tendon repairs
  • Trigger Finger 
  • Wrist Sprains/Strains

To schedule an appointment call, 1-877-541-1417.


Speech Therapy

Stroke Rehabilitation            

Our speech therapists specialize in the treatment of adults who have difficulty communicating, speaking, eating, or swallowing. Our speech therapists assess, diagnose, and establish individualized treatment plan for a variety of speech, language, communicative, and cognitive impairments. Diagnoses may include stroke, fluency and voice disorders, aphasia, apraxia, dysphagia, dysarthria, and progressive neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and dementia. 

In addition, we offer specialty exams such as modified barium swallow for dysphagia and videostroboscopy for evaluation of vocal cords and voice quality.

Common Diagnoses:

  • Aphasia: People with aphasia have difficulty in language including comprehension, reading, writing, and speaking. The condition can develop when areas of the brain that process language are damaged by stroke, injury, or another primary cause (Progressive Primary Aphasia). Our therapists will assess, educate, and provide an individualized treatment for identified areas of concern. They will also assess for the need of alternative communication, including speech generating device.
  • Apraxia: Motor Speech disorder resulting in inability to control muscles used to formulate words.
  • Cognitive-Communication Disorders: When the area of the brain that controls your thinking ability is damaged, it can result in difficulty communicating. This could lead to difficulty with attention, memory, problem solving, reasoning, planning, organization, and safety.
  • Dysarthria: Difficulty with speech as a result of weakness in the muscles that control speech.  This could cause slow or slurred speech. This is often a result of a diagnosis such as a stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or other nervous system disorders.
  • Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing caused by stroke, brain injury, neurologic conditions, or head and neck cancers. Our speech therapists will complete a thorough assessment, make diet recommendations and/or treat with various exercises or compensatory techniques. 
  • Voice and Fluency Disorders: Voice disorders as a result of changes to the vocal cords such as inflammation, nodules, or impaired function. Patients will receive a referral from ENT/Otolaryngology, to our speech-language pathologist. A videostroboscopy can be done to view the vocal cords and surrounding structures to better diagnose and treat vocal issues.
  • Fluency Disorders: Disruption to the flow, speed, and rhythm of speech. Stuttering is a fluency disorder.
Parkinson’s Rehabilitation             

Patients may present with speech and voice disorders including soft, monotone, breathy, and hoarse quality voice. Articulation and communication may impact one’s quality of life.
Certified specialist in both LSVT LOUD® and Speak Out! programs


Inpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient Rehabilitation             

Inpatient Rehabilitation (IPRE) is hospital-based, 24-hour nursing care, medical supervision by a physician, and occupational, physical, and speech therapies for patients recovering from illness or injury.